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Happy Birthday

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Name:  Amy

Age:   47

Location:   Texas

Marital Status:   Widow

Children:   2 (Boy and Girl)

Trillian ID:   amythyst71

Type of music:   80's

TV Show:   Reality Shows

Movie:   Coyote Ugly (There are tons though)

Place to be:   In bed

Thing to do:    Play on computer

Food:    Mexican

Fast Food Restaurant:   MsDonalds

Non-Alcoholic Drink:   Water

Alcoholic Drink:   Vodka or Bud Light

Holiday:   Halloween

Season:   Fall

Sport:    Wrestling, is that a sport?

Rock or Country:    Rock (don't like tear in my beer music)

Vanilla or Chocolate:   Chocolate

Righty or Lefty:    Righty

Cats or Dogs:    I have both but prefer dogs

Text or Call:   Text always, I don't use my phone for calls lol.

Read The Book or Watch The Movie:    Read The Book

Pepsi or Coke:   Coke

Day or Night:   Night

Online Shopping or In Store Shopping:    Online shopping, I'm not good around people lol

iOS or Android:    Android

Netflix or Hulu:   Hulu

Superman or Batman:   ummm I AM SUPERMANNNNN

Google or Bing:   Google

Love or Money:    Money cuz love hurts

What do you wearing while you DJ?    I'm in my teddy and kitten heels.

What’s one thing you did that you really wish you could go back and undo?    Last relationship

What made you want to be a DJ?    Looked fun and I love music.

If your life was a book, what would it's title be?    Murphy's Law

If you had to pick three fellow staff members to be on a deserted island with, who would you pick and why?    Koh, Jimbo and Auto. Koh because she's the other half of my brain and my shrub, um Jimbo is our mm so yeah and Auto so we would have music lol.

List your 5 all time favorite Bands/Artists in order from Top to Bottom:    Journey, Winery Dogs, Richie Kotzen(just a singer), Evanescence and AC/DC.

How did you learn about Tutt Radio?    Um some weirdo came in a Bingo room I was in.

Besides music, what are your hobbies?    Reading, Playing on the computer.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done/said while on air?    I announced 'Rock You Like A Hurricane' as 'Rock You Like A Whoreicane'.

If you were put into solitary confinement for six months, what would you do to stay sane?    sleeeeepppppppp

How did you come up with your DJ name?    Jimbo picked it for me.


I've been a DJ for 8 years. I loveeee music and all the friends I've made being with Tutt. I'm alot cray cray but everyone seems to be ok with it lol. Not sure what all to write so if you want to know anything else, hit me up on trillian.


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